

Dr. Nicole, Leah, Lauren and the entire team are so wonderful, compassionate, and understanding. I cannot say enough good things about this office and everyone there - they will treat your beloved pet as their own, with patience and kindness, and work with you every step of the way. Thank you to Natural Healing for providing the highest possible level of care and compassion. I will be a client for life! -Erin U

Dear friends, I feel SO much better! This my favorite sleep position, and I reach up high to sharpen my claws again. All the other cats have to mark my scratching spot!! LOL! I even have gotten Susan to wrestle with me again, when I attack her ankles when she’s not looking. She tickles me and it’s all wonderful!! I’m sorry that I don’t miss seeing you, but I’m SO happy to be able to move again! Mrowwww!!!! Love, Michigan, aka Mitch

p.s. We love you all… this is just so amazing since Mitch usually hates going to the vet. You all accomodated his need for quiet and space so nicely, and he cooperated really well. The bay windows in each office are genius!! Christine

Sadie is now over 70 pounds and back to her normal weight. She seems to be 100% now and continues to amaze us with her recovery. Many thanks to you and your holistic approach as I’m sure she would not have made it without the acupuncture, goat’s milk and herbal supplement. Thanks again for healing, Sadie. We hope you have a wonderful summer and enjoy all the warm weather we all need after that winter. Best Regards, Jon

I just wanted to thank you. I believe Charlie Brown has improved significantly since being adjusted twice now and with the supplements he is now taking. You were right, the shots are easy to give. I was nervous at first, but it is super easy because your fine staff showed me how to do it. I feel very comfortable bringing Charlie to your office. You are a very kind and calm person and I appreciate that as well as the fact that your entire office feels like home. I received nice vibes from you and everyone in your office. Unlike other places I have taken Charlie to, I left with all my questions answered and that was something that is unheard of. I felt like I was completely informed and that a plan was in place to help Charlie feel better, a real plan, not just a quick fix, a real plan. That is the difference for me. I believe you provide people with comfort in knowing that their questions are answered and that a clear plan is in place. This is what people are looking for, as you well know. I want you to know how much I appreciate the kind professional treatment Charlie and I received on our visits to your office. I am so glad that my path lead me to your door. Thank you for being what we need in a vet’s office. THANK YOU. You seemed to understand just how important Charlie Brown is to me and my family. We have a bond stronger than any other dog I have ever had. Charlie needed me because I was probably one of the only people to understand his fear aggression and not give up on him. Anyhow, thank you for understanding how much Charlie means to me and how connected we are. – Marion.

Caring for my animal’s health and working with the right practitioner is as important to me as taking great care of my own health. I believe the same rules apply when treating our pets as when we are getting treatment ourselves. Treat the underlying cause of symptoms. I spent a great deal of time and energy finding the right practitioner to care for my animals. I am so fortunate to have found Dr. Leveque. Dr. Leveque is an extremely caring and professional veterinarian. She goes above and beyond what one would expect. I love that she works with me to find the right solutions that are best for my pets. Dr. Leveque isn’t your typical vet that is going to tell you this is what your animal has, here is the protocol end of story. You will thoroughly understand your options before steps are taken and you will feel as though you are a part in making the best decisions for your loved ones health. I know that the time Dr. Leveque spends with us in the examining room isn’t the only time she spends on thinking about solutions for my pets. Sydney and Jackson love to go to her office too. She has created a serene environment based on their needs. It’s no ordinary facility! -Rachel

Georgie the Papillon has never been better since Dr. LeVeque started healing his back. Rudy the Pomeranian has stopped having anxiety issues since Dr. LeVeque diagnosed his vitamin deficiencies. We thank you! – Nancy

Thank you Dr. LeVeque for thinking outside the box and being so genuine and caring for our Trammy. You are a gifted person and we truely appreciate all you do! – Ann and Steve

Sassy and I are so happy to have found Dr. Leveque. She and the girls who work with her are so genuinely caring and compassionate. From the time you walk in you feel an instant calming and they are definitely to thank for that. This is the first time Sassy herself has been calm going to the vet and remains calm during the treatments. She doesn’t even try to remove the doggles during laser treatment. They treat her with such love and compassion as if she were their own and I think that added “treatment” is a bonus that comes natural to them. – Laura

“You are worthy of a 3 hour drive!!!!!!!:)))” – a happy and satisfied client!

Thank you Dr. Nicole LeVeque for your gentleness, kindness and truly caring manner in which you work with Clyde and Cleo. I really appreciate that you care so much about the different personalities of Clyde and Cleo and and made Cleo feel so comfortable when drawing her blood. The blanket over you and her was brilliant totally different than any experience I’ve ever had truly was a personal touch that no other veterinary clinic has ever offered. I truly am happy that Clyde and Cleo have you as their vet and really love the feel and comfort you provide to the pets and owners at Natural Healing Pet Care. Here is a picture of Clyde and Cleo how happy they were after their visit. – Kathleen

My dog was diagnosed with Spinal Meningitis in January, 2010. He had extreme pain in getting up and walking. Dr. LeVeque recommended that I take him to a neurologist and a spinal tap was performed. He was given Prednisone and other medications that I administered for 4 months. He seemed to be doing fine and then again he was having trouble getting up and his energy level was diminishing. It was very hard to see this Beagle not enjoying walks, barking at other dogs, and not interested in his meals. I had thought that perhaps his life was ending. I took him back to Dr. LeVeque and she felt that perhaps at this stage that we should try a different approach. I did not want him on any strong meds, only to make his life pain free for as long as he has. She prescribed an herbal medication and a nutritional supplement. After 3-4 days I noticed that Snoopy was not struggling to get up, when I fed him he would come to his food sooner than before. When he wanted to go outside he would go to the back door and bark to let me know. But, what really changed was the dog wanted to go for walks like before and was enjoying them, sniffing and alert to the sounds around him. He does not go for long walks, but for me seeing my dog walking with little pain was gratifying.

I am pleased that he will be with me a while longer. I would strongly recommend this holistic approach to treatment of your pet. – Barbara

My puppy, Scout, was rescued from a hoarder in Ohio. His mother and all of his littermates suffered from demodex mange. I wanted to stay away from the traditional, toxic dips and Dr. LeVeque suggested a holistic approach with Chinese herbs. Scout began to noticeably improve within a week. We continued the treatment for about six weeks, until the scrapings revealed he no longer had the mites. I loved the gentle, non-toxic approach and Scout’s coat grew in very soft

Scout with mange

Scout 6 weeks later

I have been bringing my 14-year-old cat, Claude, to Dr. LeVeque for approximately six weeks, and the results have been amazing. I cannot say enough about the peaceful atmosphere or her kind and gentle approach. I feel like I am involved in all of his treatments, not like just an observer. I did not know what to expect with acupuncture, or if Claude would even tolerate it, but Dr. LeVeque made the experience so positive for us both. Claude not only tolerates acupuncture, but seems happy to be there! I am amazed by the power of acupuncture. It is as powerful as any drug, without the worry of side effects. Claude has had a variety of health issues over the years, which have been treated with steroids, antibiotics, pain medication and Prozac. Some of these medications did little to improve Claude’s condition, while others have maintained him — not healed him. In the short time he has been treating with Dr. LeVeque, I have seen a dramatic improvement in his anxiety level (including spraying). There has also been great improvement with his leg. When we adopted Claude at the age of 6 months, he had a fractured hip and always walked kicking out his leg. He now walks as if he never had the fracture. Claude has a new life at the age of 14. Thank you Dr. LeVeque for your patience, kindness, caring and expertise.

Carol and Claude

  • "Dr. Anderson is one of the most caring vets we’ve known. Even our 18-year old cat, Oliver, immediately took to her–he articulated his affection very loudly and showed his appreciation by sharing something of a personal nature. Despite all of that, Natasha called him a “good boy.” We love Dr. Anderson!"
  • "I can’t tell you how grateful we are that we have such awesome vets! Your patience, communication, and above-and-beyond care is just incredible, and I know Hammie and Bear are in great hands."
    Jenna W.
  • "Thank you! I’ve used other home vets but you are by far the best."
    Nadine G.

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